Difference between a Layer 3 Switch and Router?

L3的交換器又稱為IPSwitch或SwitchRouter,透過專屬的ASIC晶片來解析第三層表頭(如IPHeader)以達到傳送目的,因此通常可以提高到每秒百萬封包的效能以及數十個高速 ...,Layer3switchesareabletoroutetrafficwithinthelocalnetwork,whileroutersconnectdifferentne...。參考影片的文章的如下:


(交換器、路由器、分享器傻傻分不清) L2 SWitch VS L3 ...

L3 的交換器又稱為 IP Switch 或 Switch Router,透過專屬的 ASIC 晶片來解析第三層表頭(如 IP Header)以達到傳送目的,因此通常可以提高到每秒百萬封包的效能以及數十個高速 ...

Understanding the Differences Between Layer 3 Switches and Routers

Layer 3 switches are able to route traffic within the local network, while routers connect different networks together. When a packet arrives at ...

[Cisco] Router 與Layer 3 Switch 差異比較表

Router和L3 Switch經常不容易知道差別在哪裡~. 簡單說Layer 3 Switch 彌補Router 不足之處. 用在Lan的範圍內與Router互補( Inter — vlan Routing).

Using a layer 3 switch instead of a router

In theory, a router and a layer 3 switch do the same thing. So in many cases, they are interchangeable (assuming you have the right interfaces).

什麼時候應該使用Layer 3 Switch 工業(第三層交換器)?

簡而言之,第三層交換器結合了交換器和路由器的功能。它在交換層面實現高效的子網路或虛擬區域網路(VLAN)內的設備連接,同時能夠整合IP 路由功能,兼作路由器使用。

Layer 3 Switch vs. Router

Routers perform packet switching by microprocessor-based software routing engines, while Layer 3 switches perform packet switching by hardware.

Layer 3 Switch Vs Router: What Is Your Best Bet?

Generally speaking, a layer 3 switch connects hosts to form local area networks (LANs) while routers connect multiple LANs into wide area networks (WANs).

Difference Between Router and Layer-3 Switch

The functionality of router is to connect various networks simultaneously. The main functionality of layer 3 switch is to connect various ...

[stupid question] Router vs Layer 3 Switch

Routers are designed for inter-network communication, while Layer 3 switches are typically used for intra-network routing. Upvote 2. Downvote

What Is The Advantage of Using L3 Switching Over A ...

Routers are very expensive per unit of performance, but offer more features. L3 switches are very cheap per unit of performance, but have less ...


L3的交換器又稱為IPSwitch或SwitchRouter,透過專屬的ASIC晶片來解析第三層表頭(如IPHeader)以達到傳送目的,因此通常可以提高到每秒百萬封包的效能以及數十個高速 ...,Layer3switchesareabletoroutetrafficwithinthelocalnetwork,whileroutersconnectdifferentnetworkstogether.Whenapacketarrivesat ...,Router和L3Switch經常不容易知道差別在哪裡~.簡單說Layer3Switch彌補Router不足之處.用在Lan的範圍內與Router互補(Int...